Last updated
Last updated
You can add as many job garages or gangs as you want, note that the following function has been added in the functions.lua file:
In QB there is a default Gangs system. But in ESX as well as in QB you can modify the way in which the gang to which the user belongs should be recovered.
This band must match the name you put in the jobs_garages.lua file:
-- $$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\
-- \__$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\
-- $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / \__|
-- $$ |$$ | $$ |$$$$$$$\ |\$$$$$$\
-- $$\ $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$\ \____$$\
-- $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$\ $$ |
-- \$$$$$$ | $$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |
-- \______/ \______/ \_______/ \______/
jobsGarages = {
["police"] = { --> Required job
["Mission Row LSPD"] = {
coord = vector3(455.81, -1019.72, 28.32),
spawn_coord = vector4(444.02, -1020.51, 28.18, 100.04),
save_coord = vector3(430.5, -1015.28, 28.88),
camera_coord = vector3(437.31, -1020.21, 28.73),
camera_rot = 100.0,
vehicles = {
["police"] = "Police",
["police2"] = "Police 2",
["police3"] = "Police 3",
["police4"] = "Undercover",
["policeb"] = "Motorcycle",
["policet"] = "Police Van",
["fbi"] = "FBI",
["fbi2"] = "FBI Off-Road"
["LSPD Heliport"] = {
coord = vector3(461.59, -992.82, 43.69),
spawn_coord = vector4(449.45, -981.18, 43.69, 95.8),
save_coord = vector3(449.41, -981.22, 43.69),
camera_coord = vector3(449.63, -998.14, 45.47),
camera_rot = 195.0,
vehicles = {
["polmav"] = "Police Maverick",
["Paleto Sheriff"] = {
coord = vector3(-450.0, 6003.44, 31.49),
spawn_coord = vector4(-458.42, 6005.2, 30.95, 84.69),
save_coord = vector3(-482.41, 6024.57, 30.95),
camera_coord = vector3(-467.22, 6006.21, 31.34),
camera_rot = 100.0,
vehicles = {
["sheriff"] = "Sheriff",
["sheriff2"] = "Sheriff Off-Road",
["riot"] = "Riot",
["riot2"] = "Riot 2",
["pranger"] = "Ranger"
["Paleto Heliport"] = {
coord = vector3(-454.94, 5986.05, 31.29),
spawn_coord = vector4(-476.07, 5988.75, 31.34, 56.13),
save_coord = vector3(-476.07, 5988.75, 31.34),
camera_coord = vector3(-457.25, 6004.21, 32.6),
camera_rot = 325.0,
vehicles = {
["valkyrie"] = "Valkyrie",
["ambulance"] = { --> Required job
["Pillbox Hospital"] = {
coord = vector3(296.03, -601.92, 43.3),
spawn_coord = vector4(275.68, -609.02, 42.71, 274.53),
save_coord = vector3(292.77, -570.02, 42.95),
camera_coord = vector3(282.92, -607.61, 43.13),
camera_rot = 300.0,
vehicles = {
["ambulance"] = "Ambulance",
["zion"] = "Doctor Car"
["Pillbox Heliport"] = {
coord = vector3(339.37, -588.01, 74.17),
spawn_coord = vector4(352.87, -587.98, 74.15, 249.46),
save_coord = vector3(352.87, -587.98, 74.15),
camera_coord = vector3(334.49, -599.66, 77.12),
camera_rot = 140.0,
vehicles = {
["cargobob2"] = "Cargobob",
["taxi"] = { --> Required job
["Vinewood Taxi"] = {
coord = vector3(902.69, -170.29, 74.08),
spawn_coord = vector4(917.31, -167.34, 74.15, 101.91),
save_coord = vector3(913.77, -159.8, 74.39),
camera_coord = vector3(909.64, -171.43, 74.17),
camera_rot = 135.0,
vehicles = {
["taxi"] = "Taxi",
["tourbus"] = "Tour Bus",
["mechanic"] = { --> Required job
["Burton LSCustoms"] = {
coord = vector3(-357.58, -121.37, 38.7),
spawn_coord = vector4(-371.17, -107.78, 38.77, 68.63),
save_coord = vector3(-367.04, -108.49, 38.7),
camera_coord = vector3(-383.65, -109.28, 38.7),
camera_rot = 115.0,
vehicles = {
["flatbed"] = "FlatBed",
["towtruck"] = "Tow Truck",
["towtruck2"] = "Tow Truck 2",
["sadler"] = "Sadler",
["slamtruck"] = "Slam Truck",
-- $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\
-- $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\
-- $$ / \__|$$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ |$$ / \__|$$ / \__|
-- $$ |$$$$\ $$$$$$$$ |$$ $$\$$ |$$ |$$$$\ \$$$$$$\
-- $$ |\_$$ |$$ __$$ |$$ \$$$$ |$$ |\_$$ | \____$$\
-- $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$\ $$ |
-- \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | \$$ |\$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |
-- \______/ \__| \__|\__| \__| \______/ \______/
gangGarages = {
["ballas"] = { --> Required gang
["Ballas"] = {
coord = vector3(102.67, -1958.5, 20.78),
spawn_coord = vector4(95.13, -1946.11, 20.21, 213.74),
save_coord = vector3(116.03, -1949.56, 20.27),
camera_coord = vector3(100.96, -1949.96, 20.68),
camera_rot = 255.0,
vehicles = {
["faction2"] = "Faction",
["dukes"] = "Dukes",
["zombieb"] = "Zombie Moto",
["slamvan3"] = "Slamvan",
["burrito3"] = "Burrito",
["vagos"] = { --> Required gang
["Vagos"] = {
coord = vector3(281.67, -1928.14, 25.77),
spawn_coord = vector4(289.09, -1933.48, 24.97, 217.93),
save_coord = vector3(274.04, -1942.44, 24.4),
camera_coord = vector3(298.52, -1932.82, 25.5),
camera_rot = 295.0,
vehicles = {
["faction2"] = "Faction",
["dukes"] = "Dukes",
["zombieb"] = "Zombie Moto",
["slamvan3"] = "Slamvan",
["burrito3"] = "Burrito",
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function GetPlayerGang(playerID)
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
elseif Config.Framework == "qb" then
if QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().gang ~= nil then
local userGang = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData()
return userGang
gangGarages = {
["ballas"] = { --> Required gang